Counting 1-5
Count and write numbers 1-10
Number Names
Addition ( two digits)
Long- short, thin-thick, light-heavy ,tall-short
Counting 1- 50
Most- Least, lesser-greater–jjY&list=PLAC0666613210E087
Tens and ones


Flat –round, rolls-slides
More- less than
Counting by tens
What comes next- patterns
Basic Shapes
Volume of liquids
Counting by tens and ones
Days and months- before-after
Addition, Biggest- smallest number
Addition (two digits) place value
Subtraction place value
Measurement of length


Mirror Halves
Numbers and Place value
Addition Facts
Measurement of length ,height ,depth,
Basic geometry Shapes, lines, edges, corners
Measurement of weights
Multiplication expanded form – word problems
Measurement of volume


Measurement of length- centimetres, metres, kilometres
This lesson revises the pre-learnt addition, subtraction and multiplication and also introduces another process of division. Also establishes the connection between multiplication and addition and division and subtraction
Unit of time and assessment of time duration for various activities. Also concepts of seconds, minutes, hour, day, weekly, monthly etc. Concept of 24 hour clock as well as ‘am’ and ‘pm’ also introduced
Days and months and reading of calendar. Understanding dates written in different ways as well as writing it. Reading manufacturing, expiry dates etc. in different formats
Concept of ‘singular rule’ i.e. finding the price etc. of one unit and then multiplying with desired numbers. Easy methods of mental multiplication for bigger numbers. Also reading of ‘price-list’
Concept of litre and millilitre and the inter relationship between them. Assessment of capacity of various things like a bucket, mug, bottle, pot etc. Understanding of less than a litre and more than a litre
Idea of circle, its centrepoint, radius etc. Free hand drawing of circles, then drawing a circle with compass is shown as well as measuring its radius with a rule
Fractions introduced through division of things into halves, one third, one fourth etc. Understanding of 1/3, 1/2, 3/4 etc.Conversion of 1/2 metre, 1/4 of a rupee into centimetre, paise etc.
Recognition of patterns and their hidden rules. Starts with patterns on definite objects from surroundings like designs on clothes, floor etc. and moves to abstract patterns through drawings, then numbers, letters of the alphabet etc.
Reinforcing that concepts of division, multiplication and tables are inter related. Learning to develop tables without rote learning everything. Division of objects into equal numbers and different methods of division
Concept of weight and assessment of weight of various things from everyday life like a pencil box, sack of wheat, school bag etc. Making of a weigh scale also shown. Comparision of weight of different things and concept of how weight of many small things would add upto the weight of a big thing
Concept of perimetre is introduced by using the term ‘length of the boundary’. Perimetre of various things like leaf, book etc. are measured using a rope
Data handling and representing data through pie diagram, bar charts, chappathi charts etc.
Class V Maths
Revision of various concepts learnt upto 4th including shapes, estimation, simple operations, sense of large numbers,money, loans etc.through real life situations involving fish market
Develops a sense towards the concept of ‘area’ through real life examples. Different things are compared in terms of area and characters guess as to which is bigger. Also the concept that perimeter of 2 shapes can be different, but their area can be the same
Talks of parts and wholes;. Various real life activities are played out to help children develop a conceptual understanding about fractions. Equivalent fractions like 1/2 = 2/4 = 3/6 = 4/8 etc. is introduced.
Mirror Images
Introduction of the concept of ‘multiples’. It explains as to how when a bigger number is wholly divisible by another smaller number, it becomes the multiple of that smaller number.
Concept of ‘common multiple’ and finding out the ‘smallest common multiple’ between 2 or 3 numbers
Talks about ‘common factors’ and ‘biggest common factor’. Concept of relationship between multiples and factors is reinforced through many real life activities.
Pattern writing and lots of patterns using numbers and calendars. Talks of clockwise, anticlockwise turns and other half, full, 1/4th etc. turns. Many magic patterns and puzzles using numbers
Chapter focuses on visualisation of 3 dimensional shapes and how they can be represented on paper through 2 dimensions. Examples like flattened boxes, layout plans of rooms and perspective drawings are given to enable better understanding of the concept.
Concept of ‘tenths and hundredths’ like 1/10th of a cm = 1 mm. introduction of decimals and money with decimal points. Explains things like 1/100 = 0.01, 2/10 = 0.2 etc. Concept of measuring temperature in ‘celsius’ unit is also introduced.
Concept of ‘area and its boundary’ and expressing area in square cm. Reinforcing the fact that perimetre of two objects/shapes can be different but area can be the same. Finding out the area of a square or rectangle, when perimeter and length of even one side is known.
Reinforcement of concepts of perimetre and area. Understanding the difference between sq cm, sq m and sq km. Calculating perimetre, area of different shapes.
Data handling and the usage of ‘tally marks’ to record data of a variety of things with larger numbers. Sense of approximation is also introduced through activities. Comparision of temperatures between different places. Drawing of growth chart and family tree is also explained
Multiplication ( conversions)
Measurement – volume
Volume of different shapes using cm cubes. Explanation as to how length x breadth x height = volume. An activity of cube making is undertaken to better explain the concept. Easily available things like matchboxes are used to help children understand this concept.

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